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A Hong Kong based entrepreneur visits HONPE


In order to further understand the strength of HONPE and conduct a field investigation on the technical level of HONPE, on June 16, 2016, accompanied by the domestic sales of HONPE, a delegation from an entrepreneurial base in Hong Kong walked into HONPE.

Li Shuping, the head of the domestic sales team of the red product, gave a brief introduction to the delegation, and showed the model samples and color swatches made by the red product to the customers. The delegation of a Hong Kong entrepreneurial base expressed their opinions on the quality of the red product model and the scale of the company. Certainly, under the leadership of domestic sales, the delegation of a certain entrepreneurial base in Hong Kong carefully checked every detail and refused to miss any corner of the red product. After the inspection, a delegation from an entrepreneurial base in Hong Kong expressed that they had a more comprehensive and detailed understanding of the comprehensive strength of HONPE, and strengthened their confidence in cooperating with HONPE.
