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Customer delegations from various European countries visited Hongpin for inspection


In order to further understand the strength of Hongpin and conduct a field inspection of the technical level of Hongpin, on April 27, 2016, accompanied by the staff of the English group of Hongpin, customer delegations from various European countries walked into Hongpin.

First of all, shelly, the head of the English group, gave a brief introduction to the delegation on the basic situation of the red product, and showed some model samples and swatch cards of the red product to the customers. The customers expressed affirmation of the quality of the red product model, especially The dazzling swatches are full of praise. Later, under the leadership of the English group staff, the European customer delegation also visited the hardware processing workshop, digital highlight workshop, tinting workshop, chassis processing workshop and R&D center of Hongpin. Interested European guests took a closer look. Every detail, do not want to miss any corner.

In order to further understand the strength of Hongpin and conduct a field inspection of the technical level of Hongpin, on April 27, 2016, accompanied by the staff of the English group of Hongpin, customer delegations from various European countries walked into Hongpin.

After the inspection, the delegation expressed that it had a more comprehensive and detailed understanding of the comprehensive strength of Hongpin and strengthened its confidence in cooperation with Hongpin. The successful docking with customers from various European countries this time marks a solid step forward in the process of Hongpin's development of the international market!
